Chisel Memorandum


最近看了一下Chisel Bootcamp,这里记录一下心得体会.


Scala Primer

Chisel是一种基于Scala的高层次硬件描述语言. 而Scala的设计哲学即为集成面向对象编程和函数式编程, 非常适合用来作为硬件描述语言. Scala 运行在Java虚拟机上, 并兼容现有的Java程序. 作为基础我们必须先了解一些Scala的一些语法以及编程特性.

Scala一门面向对象语言, 可以认为Scala程序是Object对象的集合. 顺便复习一下下面几个概念的关系:

  • Object对象: 对象是类的实例
  • Class类: 类是对象的抽象
  • Method方法: 一个类可以包括多个方法
  • Field字段: 每个对象都有其唯一的实例化的变量集合, 即字段.

Naming Specifications

  • Scala是大小敏感的
  • Class类名要求首字母大写, Method要求首字母小写
  • 程序文件名建议等于类名, 并以.scala作为拓展名
  • 入口函数定义为def main(args: Array[String])

Package definitions & Importing Packages

Scala中定义包有两种方法, 一种和Java类似, 在文件头用package <package name>定义, 这种方式只能在一个文件里面定义一个类; 另一种类似于C#, 加上大括号curly braces用package <package name> {...}定义, 这种方式允许在一个文件内定义多个类.如

// Method one
package com.runoob
class HelloWorld

// Method two
package com.runoob {
  class HelloWorld 

import与java类似, 甚至可以引用java的包, 注意通配符是下划线 _.

import java.awt.Color  // 引入Color
import java.awt._  // 引入包内所有成员

Data Types

Scala的常用数据类型见. 这里记录几个特殊的:

  • Unit: 表示无值, 功能类似于Java里面void.

  • Nothing: Scala中所有类的子类

  • Any: Scala中所有类的基类

  • AnyRef: Scala中所有引用类reference class的基类

注意在Scala中数据类型也都是对象, Scala并没有类似于java的原生类型, 因此在Scala中对一个基本数字变量可以调用方法.

Variables & Constants

在Scala中变量variable和常量constant分别用varval指定, 同时可指定数据类型.

<val|var> <VariableName> [: DataType] [= Initial Value]


Scala的条件变量与C/C++, Java等类似, 同时if语句也有类似于C/C++中三目运算符的返回值, 其返回值为其所选择的分支的最后一行语句的返回值.

val alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
val likelyCharactersSet = if (alphabet.length == 26)
    "not english"

值匹配使用match/case, 通配符是-:

// y is an integer variable defined somewhere else in the code
val y = 7
/// ...
val x = y match {
  case 0 => "zero" // One common syntax, preferred if fits in one line
  case 1 =>        // Another common syntax, preferred if does not fit in one line.
      "one"        // Note the code block continues until the next case
  case 2 => {      // Another syntax, but curly braces are not required
  case _ => "many" // _ is a wildcard that matches all values
println("y is " + x)


def animalType(biggerThanBreadBox: Boolean, meanAsCanBe: Boolean): String = {
  (biggerThanBreadBox, meanAsCanBe) match {
    case (true, true) => "wolverine"
    case (true, false) => "elephant"
    case (false, true) => "shrew"
    case (false, false) => "puppy"
println(animalType(true, true))

Scala对于类型匹配和多重类型匹配, 分别需要使用s: <Type>_: <Type>:

val sequence = Seq("a", 1, 0.0)
sequence.foreach { x =>
  x match {
    case s: String => println(s"$x is a String")
    case s: Int    => println(s"$x is an Int")
    case s: Double => println(s"$x is a Double")
    case _ => println(s"$x is an unknown type!")
val sequence = Seq("a", 1, 0.0)
sequence.foreach { x =>
  x match {
    case _: Int | _: Double => println(s"$x is a number!")
    case _ => println(s"$x is an unknown type!")


val sequence = Seq(Seq("a"), Seq(1), Seq(0.0))
sequence.foreach { x =>
  x match {
    case s: Seq[String] => println(s"$x is a String")
    case s: Seq[Int]    => println(s"$x is an Int")
    case s: Seq[Double] => println(s"$x is a Double")
List(a) is a String
List(1) is a String
List(0.0) is a String


类似于java, Scala的循环语句有while, do whilefor, 其中只有for与Java略有不同, 可以设置步长, 通过分号设置多个循环变量(实际是设置多重循环), 循环集合List, 还能在for循环中通过if语句进行过滤(用分号可以设置多个循环条件).

for (var x <- a to b) // [a,b]

for (var x <- a until b) // [a,b)

for (var x <- a to b by 2) // [a,b], step = 2

for (var x <- a to b; var y <- a to b)

for (var x <- list)

for (var x <- list
     if condition1; is condition2 ...)

yield in for statement

类似于Python, 我们还能通过yield关键字保存循环变量的值.

val numList = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);

var retVal = for{ a <- numList 
                if a != 3; if a < 8
              }yield a

for( a <- retVal){
 println( "Value of a: " + a );


Scala的函数Functions的定义形式如下. 注意几个要点

  • Scala是强调类型的, 不支持隐式类型转换, 函数返回类型最好还是写一下
  • Scala是面向对象的, 每个函数都是一个Scala Object
  • 如果没有写等号和函数体, 被视为声明; 如果在其他地方没有补充函数体, 则该函数会被声明为抽象类
  • Scala支持默认参数, 类似于C/C++, 无默认值的参数在前,默认参数在后.
  • Scala指定传参的时候乱序指定参数名
def <function name>(<parameter name> : <type> [ = <InitialValue> ] [, ...]): [return type] = { 

如果函数没有返回值, 可以返回Unit, 类似于Java的void:

def printMe( ) : Unit = {
    println("Hello, Scala!")

类似地, Scala的函数支持内嵌定义(作用域为大括号curly braces内).

def asciiTriangle(rows: Int) {
    // This is cute: multiplying "X" makes a string with many copies of "X"
    def printRow(columns: Int): Unit = println("X" * columns)
    if(rows > 0) {
        asciiTriangle(rows - 1) // Here is the recursive call

// printRow(1) // This would not work, since we're calling printRow outside its scope

在Scala中, 函数的类型通过(<para. list>) => T指定. 在函数式编程中, 我们往往只关心返回值的类型, 也可以用=> T指定, 如Listfill函数定义为:

def fill[A](n: Int)(elem: => A): LazyList[A]

作为函数式编程设计语言, Scala有很多编程特性值得我们学习一下.

Call-by-name && Call-by-value

Scala在解析函数参数的时候有两个方式, 分别是call-by-name传值调用和call-by-value传名调用, 两者的区别如下:

  • 传值调用(call-by-value): 先计算参数表达式的值,再应用到函数内部

  • 传名调用(call-by-name): 将未计算的参数表达式直接应用到函数内部


def <MethodName>( <ParameterName> => <DataType>)


def main(args: Array[String]) {

def time() = {

def delayed( t: => Long ) = {
  println("parameter 1: " + t)
  println("parameter 2:  " + t)

Variable Parameters

Scala允许指定最后一个参数是可重复的, 在最后一个参数类型后加一个星号*即可写法为:

def <MethodName>(<ParameterName>:<DataType>*) = {

Anonymous Methods

在函数式编程中, 匿名函数Anonymous Functions也是经常用到的. 在Scala中, 其形式定义如下.

(<parameter name>: <type>[, ...]) => ... or {...} // returned value is given by the last line of the function body

Higher-Order Function

之前说过, Scala中每一个函数都是一个对象Object, 可以为其他函数参数, 也可以作为函数返回值. 特别地, 一个函数的类型为(parameter list) => <return type>.

def main(args: Array[String]) {

      println( apply( layout, 10) )


def apply(f: Int => String, v: Int) = f(v)

def layout[A](x: A) = "[" + x.toString() + "]" // method template

Partial Methods

实际上还是利用Scala中每一个函数都是一个对象Object, 先固定函数的部分参数, 构造出一个新的函数.

def main(args: Array[String]) {
      val date = new Date
      val logWithDateBound = log(date, _ : String)

      logWithDateBound("message1" )
      logWithDateBound("message2" )
      logWithDateBound("message3" )

   def log(date: Date, message: String)  = {
     println(date + "----" + message)

Function Currying

函数柯里化(Currying)指的是将原来接受两个参数的函数变成新的接受一个参数的函数的过程, 新的函数返回一个以原有第二个参数为参数的函数.


def add(x:Int,y:Int)=x+y

def add(x:Int)=(y:Int)=>x+y // function currying

val result = add(1) 
val sum = result(2)
println(sum) // 3


类似Python, Scala也可以定义闭包, 一个函数的返回值依赖于一个外部的自由变量.

def main(args: Array[String]) {  
      println( "muliplier(1) value = " +  multiplier(1) )  
      println( "muliplier(2) value = " +  multiplier(2) )  
var factor = 3  
val multiplier = (i:Int) => i * factor

Object Oriented Programming


class MyBundle extends Bundle {
	val a = Bool ()
	val b = UInt (32. W )

Scala中关于面向对象编程有几个特殊概念需要注意, 分别是abstract class抽象类, trait特征(相当于java的接口, 与抽象类类似, 但是没有构造参数, 可被多重继承), object单例对象, companion object伴生对象和companion class伴生类, case class样例类 以及anonymous class匿名类.

Scala的类通过new创建对象, 或者后面我们可以看到也可以通过伴生对象的来创建.

Scala通过extend关键字继承类, 重新定义非抽象字段需要使用overwrite, 同时Scala不支持多重继承类, 但是trait是一个例外, 一个class可以继承多个trait. trait的多重继承如下

class MyClass extends HasTrait1 with HasTrait2 with HasTrait3

Scala中singleton使用单例对象object, 单例对象object不需要被new. 当单例对象与某个类共享同一个名称时,他被称作是这个类的伴生对象(companion object); 反过来这个类被称为这个对象的companion class伴生类. 类和它的伴生对象可以互相访问其私有成员. 区分companion object及其companion class的重要依据是名字前是否有new

object Lion {
    def roar(): Unit = println("I'M AN OBJECT!")
class Lion {
    def roar(): Unit = println("I'M A CLASS!")
new Lion().roar()

伴生对象和伴生类在Scala中非常重要. 之前说过, Scala中的Int, List等不是原生数据类型, 是一个对象. 其实这个说法不同准确, 实际上Scala中UInt, List等, 既是一个类名, 也是一个(单例)对象名, 它们两个互为伴生类和伴生对象. 伴生对象的用处在于:

  1. 定义伴生类中常量
  2. 为伴生类定义多个构造函数(通过applystatement), 同时允许在调用类构造函数前后执行某些操作


这里必须讨论一下关键字apply, 这在Chisel的源码的经常用到. 在Scala中, 函数也是对象, 对于函数来说apply方法意味着调用函数本身, 即fun.apply([parameters list]) = fun([parameters list])

val f = (x : Int) => x + 1
f.apply(3) // 4

apply关键字另外一个作用是在单例对象中用作设计模式中的工厂模式. 之前说过, Scala中的List既是一个类名, 也是一个单例对象名. 举个例子, 我们可以对Object List 使用List.apply(1, 2, 3)或者直接List(1, 2, 3)创建一个Class List的对象实例.

case class样本类在Scala中是一个比较特殊的类, 其有几个特性:

  1. 对于类的所有构造参数允许外部访问
  2. 创建case class的同时创建了伴生对象, 以及在伴生对象中定义了一个默认的apply方法, 创建实例的时候不需要new.

下面是一个case class的例子

class Nail(length: Int) // Regular class
val nail = new Nail(10) // Requires the `new` keyword
// println(nail.length) // Illegal! Class constructor parameters are not by default externally visible

class Screw(val threadSpace: Int) // By using the `val` keyword, threadSpace is now externally visible
val screw = new Screw(2)          // Requires the `new` keyword

case class Staple(isClosed: Boolean) // Case class constructor parameters are, by default, externally visible
val staple = Staple(false)           // No `new` keyword required

Scala还支持inline defining, 这实际上创建了一个anonymous class匿名类:

val my_bundle = new Bundle {
	val a = Bool ()
	val b = UInt (32. W )




  • 构造列表的两种基本方法: list(x,y,z)等价于x::y::z::Nil
  • 方法head返回第一个元素, tail返回除了第一个元素外的其他元素, isEmpty判断是否为空
  • 连接列表用:::, ++ 或者 List.concat
  • 生成一个指定重复数量的元素列表用List.fill[A](n: Int)(elem: => A): LazyList[A]
  • 通过给定函数来生成列表用List.tabulate
  • 反转列表用List.reverse
  • 取前若干个元素用def take(n: Int): List[A]



  • Object Mapapply: val map=Map("a" -> 1)

  • .get


  • def foreach[U](f: ((K, V)) => U): Unit

Option, Some & None

option是Scala的一个泛型抽象类, 分别有两个子类SomeNone, collection中类的方法的返回值中经常是option类型的

val map = Map("a" -> 1)
val a = map.get("a")
val b = map.get("b")


Option有方法getgetOrElse, 可用于决定取值的行为:

val some = Some(1)
val none = None
println(some.get)          // Returns 1
// println(none.get)       // Errors!
println(some.getOrElse(2)) // Returns 1
println(none.getOrElse(2)) // Returns 2

对于类的省缺参数, 一般用None. 在match/case中, 可以利用多态的性质进行匹配:

class DelayBy1(resetValue: Option[UInt] = None) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val in  = Input( UInt(16.W))
    val out = Output(UInt(16.W))
  val reg = resetValue match {
    case Some(r) => RegInit(r)
    case None    => Reg(UInt())
  reg :=
  io.out := reg

println(getVerilog(new DelayBy1))
println(getVerilog(new DelayBy1(Some(3.U))))


Scala中, 我们可以在定义class和生成实例的时候指定泛型,

class Stack[A] {
  private var elements: List[A] = Nil
  def push(x: A) { elements = x :: elements }
  def peek: A = elements.head
  def pop(): A = {
    val currentTop = peek
    elements = elements.tail

val stack = new Stack[Int]
println(stack.pop)  // prints 2
println(stack.pop)  // prints 1

除此以外, Scala关于generic还有一个非常有趣的概念: Upper Type BoundLower Type Bound, 实际上着两者规定了类之间的继承关系.

T <: A // T is the subclass of A
T >: B // B is the subclass of T
T >: B <: A // B is the subclass of T, T is the subclass of A

在generic class或generic的定义中, 我们可以用upper/lower type bound约束传入的类的类型:

abstract class Animal {
 def name: String

abstract class Pet extends Animal {}

class Cat extends Pet {
  override def name: String = "Cat"

class Dog extends Pet {
  override def name: String = "Dog"

class Lion extends Animal {
  override def name: String = "Lion"

class PetContainer[P <: Pet](p: P) {
  def pet: P = p

val dogContainer = new PetContainer[Dog](new Dog)
val catContainer = new PetContainer[Cat](new Cat)

// this would not compile
val lionContainer = new PetContainer[Lion](new Lion)

About Debug

  • 断言使用 require(...)

  • println(s"...$<...>") 类似于Python, 是可执行的字符串.

    class ParameterizedScalaObject(param1: Int, param2: String) {
      println(s"I have parameters: param1 = $param1 and param2 = $param2")
    val obj1 = new ParameterizedScalaObject(4,     "Hello")
    val obj2 = new ParameterizedScalaObject(4 + 2, "World")

Chisel Primer

Chisel Model

Chisel建立在Scala之上, 一个chisel model实际是一个继承一个被称为ModuleScala object, 其定义了reset, clock等硬件单元的基本接线. 需要时刻记住的是, Chisel毕竟是一门硬件描述语言, 我们需要时刻注意Scala ObjectChisel Object的区别与联系. 下面定义了一个简单的Chisel Object.

// Chisel Code: Declare a new module definition
class Passthrough extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val in = Input(UInt(4.W))
    val out = Output(UInt(4.W))
  io.out :=


  • Chisel Oject描述的是一个一个硬件实体, 即使这个硬件存的值会变, 但是这个硬件本身不会变, 故需要用常量里面的val定义.

  • val io = IO(...). 输入和输出接口我们必须定义在一个特殊常量中, 且这个这个常量名必须是io, 并通过Module里面的单例对象IOapply方法生成. 单例对象IOapply方法声明见.

  • new Bundle {
        val in = Input(UInt(4.W))
        val out = Output(UInt(4.W))

    利用inline defining创建了匿名类. InputOutput 都是Module内部的Object, 可以理解为工厂模式.

    另外Chisel也有自己的Data Types. UInt(4.W)可以代表一个硬件, 而不一个是Scala的数字变量, 同时4.W也是一个Chisel定义的变量.

  • ` io.out := 注意我们是硬件电路意义上的连线不是赋值, 需要用:=而不是Scala的=(而且val`也不支持赋值)

Chisel Data Types , Conditionals & Operations

这部分毕竟简单, 只需要主要到Chisel和Scala的数据类型区别和联系就可以了(Chisel的基本数据类型会映射到硬件, 而Scala不会). 这部分直接看Chisel CheatSheet即可. 这里提几个需要注意的点:

  • + 不会考虑进位, 考虑进位需要用到 +&
  • 判断是否相等是triple qeuals===
  • Chisel常数定义类似于 -3.S, 1.U等, 32.W用于指定位宽

Wire, Register & Memory

wire仅仅通过线连接, 可立刻更新.

// Allocate a as wire of type UInt ()
val x = Wire ( UInt ())
x := y // Connect wire y to wire x

register只有在时钟上升沿的时候才会更新, 常用的函数有:

RegInit(7.U(32.w)) // reg with initial value 7
RegNext(next_val) // update each clock, no init
RegEnable(next, enable) // update, with enable gate

About Debug

  • 编译时断言用Scala的require(...), 模拟时的断言需要用Chisel的assert(...)

  • 模拟时输出用Chisel的printf(...),同时其也支持可执行字符串printf(p"$<name>")

Unit Test in Chisel


import chisel3.iotesters.{ChiselFlatSpec, Driver, PeekPokeTester}

Driver( () => new <ModuleName>){
    c => new PeekPokeTester(c) {
        poke(, ...)
        expect(, ...)

Chisel Design Trick: Parameterization


  • 利用Scala的Option作为缺省参数, 或选择性排除某些硬件设备
  • 传入函数作为参数生成硬件设备


class DelayBy1(resetValue: Option[UInt] = None) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val in  = Input( UInt(16.W))
    val out = Output(UInt(16.W))
  val reg = resetValue match {
    case Some(r) => RegInit(r)
    case None    => Reg(UInt())
  reg :=
  io.out := reg

println(getVerilog(new DelayBy1))
println(getVerilog(new DelayBy1(Some(3.U))))

有时,我们希望选择性地包括或排除IO. 有一些内部状态或许可以很好地进行调试,但是在最终的系统中我们希望可以隐藏起来. 这里举个参数化指定字段的例子, 还是使用Option, 可根据参数定义一个全加器或半加器.

class HalfFullAdder(val hasCarry: Boolean) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val a = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val b = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val carryIn = if (hasCarry) Some(Input(UInt(1.W))) else None
    val s = Output(UInt(1.W))
    val carryOut = Output(UInt(1.W))
  val sum = io.a +& io.b +& io.carryIn.getOrElse(0.U)
  io.s := sum(0)
  io.carryOut := sum(1)

当然上述例子, 也可以利用Chisel中零宽度的wire恒为零的特性来做:

class HalfFullAdder(val hasCarry: Boolean) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val a = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val b = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val carryIn = Input(if (hasCarry) UInt(1.W) else UInt(0.W))
    val s = Output(UInt(1.W))
    val carryOut = Output(UInt(1.W))
  val sum = io.a +& io.b +& io.carryIn
  io.s := sum(0)
  io.carryOut := sum(1)
println("Half Adder:")
println(getVerilog(new HalfFullAdder(false)))
println("\n\nFull Adder:")
println(getVerilog(new HalfFullAdder(true)))

下面是一个Mearly Machine的例子, 利用传入的状态转换函数来生成Mearly Machine.

// Mealy machine has
case class BinaryMealyParams(
  // number of states
  nStates: Int,
  // initial state
  s0: Int,
  // function describing state transition
  stateTransition: (Int, Boolean) => Int,
  // function describing output
  output: (Int, Boolean) => Int
) {
  require(nStates >= 0)
  require(s0 < nStates && s0 >= 0)

class BinaryMealy(val mp: BinaryMealyParams) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val in = Input(Bool())
    val out = Output(UInt())

  val state = RegInit(UInt(), mp.s0.U)

  // output zero if no states
  io.out := 0.U
  for (i <- 0 until mp.nStates) {
    when (state === i.U) {
      when ( {
        state  := mp.stateTransition(i, true).U
        io.out := mp.output(i, true).U
      }.otherwise {
        state  := mp.stateTransition(i, false).U
        io.out := mp.output(i, false).U

// example from
val nStates = 3
val s0 = 2
def stateTransition(state: Int, in: Boolean): Int = {
  if (in) {
  } else {
def output(state: Int, in: Boolean): Int = {
  if (state == 2) {
    return 0
  if ((state == 1 && !in) || (state == 0 && in)) {
    return 1
  } else {
    return 0

val testParams = BinaryMealyParams(nStates, s0, stateTransition, output)

class BinaryMealyTester(c: BinaryMealy) extends PeekPokeTester(c) {
  poke(, false)
  expect(, 0)
  poke(, false)
  expect(, 0)
  poke(, false)
  expect(, 0)
  poke(, true)
  expect(, 1)
  poke(, true)
  expect(, 0)
  poke(, false)
  expect(, 1)
  poke(, true)
  expect(, 1)
  poke(, false)
  expect(, 1)
  poke(, true)
  expect(, 1)
val works = iotesters.Driver(() => new BinaryMealy(testParams)) { c => new BinaryMealyTester(c) }
assert(works) // Scala Code: if works == false, will throw an error
println("SUCCESS!!") // Scala Code: if we get here, our tests passed!

Chisel Design Trick: Collection

我们可以利用scala.collection来管理一组硬件, 我们可使用scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[A], 这个类可以动态增删元素, 比较方便.

下面是一个利用Scala的collection的一个FIR Filter generator.

class MyManyElementFir(consts: Seq[Int], bitWidth: Int) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val in = Input(UInt(bitWidth.W))
    val out = Output(UInt(bitWidth.W))

  val regs = mutable.ArrayBuffer[UInt]()
  for(i <- 0 until consts.length) {
      if(i == 0) regs +=
      else       regs += RegNext(regs(i - 1), 0.U)
  val muls = mutable.ArrayBuffer[UInt]()
  for(i <- 0 until consts.length) {
      muls += regs(i) * consts(i).U

  val scan = mutable.ArrayBuffer[UInt]()
  for(i <- 0 until consts.length) {
      if(i == 0) scan += muls(i)
      else scan += muls(i) + scan(i - 1)

  io.out := scan.last

有时候, 我们也需要Chisel提供的collection. 比如在Bundle里面需要提供Chisel instance的变量, 又比如我们访问collection的时候下标只能是一个Chisel的硬件(比如Register File). 实际上, Chisel也提供了collection 类型, 被称为Vec. Vec与Scala.collection具有相似的方法, 但是元素只能是Chisel instance.

这里列举一个Vec的常用用法, 实际上和Reg(..)RegInit(...)类似, 详细可查文档.

  • 初始化长度和初始值: VecInit(...)

  • 创建但不初始化: Vec(...)

这里给了一个FIR Filter的例子, 这里的参数是通过IO传入而不是构造的时候指定的.

class MyManyDynamicElementVecFir(length: Int) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val in = Input(UInt(8.W))
    val out = Output(UInt(8.W))
    val consts = Input(Vec(length, UInt(8.W)))

  // Reference solution
  val regs = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(length - 1)(0.U(8.W))))
  for(i <- 0 until length - 1) {
      if(i == 0) regs(i) :=
      else       regs(i) := regs(i - 1)
  val muls = Wire(Vec(length, UInt(8.W)))
  for(i <- 0 until length) {
      if(i == 0) muls(i) := * io.consts(i)
      else       muls(i) := regs(i - 1) * io.consts(i)

  val scan = Wire(Vec(length, UInt(8.W)))
  for(i <- 0 until length) {
      if(i == 0) scan(i) := muls(i)
      else scan(i) := muls(i) + scan(i - 1)

  io.out := scan(length - 1)

下面是另一个Register File的例子, 由于read的访问下标是传入的参数, 故需要使用Chisel的Vec

class RegisterFile(readPorts: Int) extends Module {
    require(readPorts >= 0)
    val io = IO(new Bundle {
        val wen   = Input(Bool())
        val waddr = Input(UInt(5.W))
        val wdata = Input(UInt(32.W))
        val raddr = Input(Vec(readPorts, UInt(5.W)))
        val rdata = Output(Vec(readPorts, UInt(32.W)))
    // A Register of a vector of UInts
    val reg = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(32)(0.U(32.W))))
    when(io.wen && io.waddr=/=0.U){
        reg(io.waddr) := io.wdata
    for(i <- 0 until readPorts){
        io.rdata(i) := reg(io.raddr(i))


Chisel Standard Library

Chisel提供了若干个常用的标准库, flow control方面的有Decoupled, FIFO, Arbiter, RRArbiter等. 在Chisel cheatsheet里面有简单的介绍.

Decoupled(...) 提供了经典的valid-ready数据输出模型, 分别有vaild, readybits三个字段, 如果需要数据输入模型则使用Flipped(Decoupled(...))

Queue 实际是一个两端decoupled的synonymous FIFO.


class MyQueue extends Module {
    // Example circuit using a Queue
    val io = IO(new Bundle {
        val in = Flipped(Decoupled(UInt(8.W)))
        val out = Decoupled(UInt(8.W))
    val queue = Queue(, 2)  // 2-element queue
    io.out <> queue

Bulk Connections

io.out <> queue 实际上等价于

io.out.valid := queue.valid
io.out.bits := queue.bits
queue.ready := io.out.ready

Arbiter 可以解决单生产者多消费者, 或者多生成者, 单消费者的问题(flip一下即可), 根据arbiter的规则还分为低下标优先Arbiter和轮询RRArbiter.

Function Blocks

提供了Bitwise Utilities, OneHot encoding utilities(在muxes中特别有用), 多选器Mux和计数器Count等.

Chisel Design Trick: functional programming

Build-in Higher-Order Functions

函数式编程的第一个技巧是使用higher-order functions高阶函数, 如zip, zipWithchIndex, map, reduce(对于空list可能失败, 还能指定结合方向reduceLeft, reduceRight), flod(与reduce类似, 但是可用指定初值,对于空list不会失败), scan(生成每一步的结果,生成列表list)这些都是Scala.List中的函数, 当然我们也可用自己指定高阶函数.

关FIR Filter有一个一行解决的写法:

io.out := (taps zip io.consts).map { case (a, b) => a * b }.reduce(_ + _)

在这个例子中, 先讨论一下如何制定函数:

  • 对于需要unpack的元组, 需要先使用case statement.
  • 如果数组中每个元素只出现一次, 用下划线代替_
  • 详细指定参数用匿名函数, 如上面的_+_可用(a,b) => a+b代替

这里用higher-order function的方法, 再次手写一个arbiter, 可用看到程序非常简洁:

class MyRoutingArbiter(numChannels: Int) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val in = Vec(numChannels, Flipped(Decoupled(UInt(8.W))))
    val out = Decoupled(UInt(8.W))
  } )
    val Valids =
    io.out.valid := Valids.reduce(_ || _)
    val selected = PriorityMux({case (valid, index) => (valid,index.U)})
    io.out.bits := => x.ready := 0.B) := && io.out.ready

利用函数式编程, 在Chisel中一个神经元的写法可以很简单:

class Neuron(inputs: Int, act: FixedPoint => FixedPoint) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val in      = Input(Vec(inputs, FixedPoint(16.W, 8.BP)))
    val weights = Input(Vec(inputs, FixedPoint(16.W, 8.BP)))
    val out     = Output(FixedPoint(16.W, 8.BP))
  io.out := act({case (x, y) => x * y}.reduce(_ +& _))

Object Oriented Programming

在Chisel中, 我们常用的基类有:

  • Module: 每一个chisel module都继承自Module

  • Bundle: 每一个chisel IO都继承自Bundle, 或某些特殊情况下继承自Bundle的超类Record

  • Data: UIntBundle 都有Data作为超类.

Example: Aynonymous FIFO & Asynchronous FIFO

我们用面向对象的方法来实现一个asynchronous FIFO. 首先, 我们先看一下Chisel中的synonymous FIFO,即Queue, 源代码见(不得不说, 感觉写得挺好的😀)

先是定义了两个decoupled的接口. 下面的val enq = Flipped(EnqIO(gen)) 中需要Flipped的原因结合后面class Queue注释里面的exmaple比较容易理解.

/** Producer - drives (outputs) valid and bits, inputs ready.
  * @param gen The type of data to enqueue
object EnqIO {
  def apply[T<:Data](gen: T): DecoupledIO[T] = Decoupled(gen)
/** Consumer - drives (outputs) ready, inputs valid and bits.
  * @param gen The type of data to dequeue
object DeqIO {
  def apply[T<:Data](gen: T): DecoupledIO[T] = Flipped(Decoupled(gen))

/** An I/O Bundle for Queues
  * @param gen The type of data to queue
  * @param entries The max number of entries in the queue.
class QueueIO[T <: Data](private val gen: T, val entries: Int) extends Bundle
{ // See for why gen is a private val and proposed replacement APIs.

  /* These may look inverted, because the names (enq/deq) are from the perspective of the client,
   *  but internally, the queue implementation itself sits on the other side
   *  of the interface so uses the flipped instance.
  /** I/O to enqueue data (client is producer, and Queue object is consumer), is [[Chisel.DecoupledIO]] flipped. */
  val enq = Flipped(EnqIO(gen))
  /** I/O to dequeue data (client is consumer and Queue object is producer), is [[Chisel.DecoupledIO]]*/
  val deq = Flipped(DeqIO(gen))
  /** The current amount of data in the queue */
  val count = Output(UInt(log2Ceil(entries + 1).W))
/** An I/O Bundle for Queues
  * @param gen The type of data to queue
  * @param entries The max number of entries in the queue.
class QueueIO[T <: Data](private val gen: T, val entries: Int) extends Bundle
{ // See for why gen is a private val and proposed replacement APIs.

  /* These may look inverted, because the names (enq/deq) are from the perspective of the client,
   *  but internally, the queue implementation itself sits on the other side
   *  of the interface so uses the flipped instance.
  /** I/O to enqueue data (client is producer, and Queue object is consumer), is [[Chisel.DecoupledIO]] flipped. */
  val enq = Flipped(EnqIO(gen))
  /** I/O to dequeue data (client is consumer and Queue object is producer), is [[Chisel.DecoupledIO]]*/
  val deq = Flipped(DeqIO(gen))
  /** The current amount of data in the queue */
  val count = Output(UInt(log2Ceil(entries + 1).W))

/** A hardware module implementing a Queue
  * @param gen The type of data to queue
  * @param entries The max number of entries in the queue
  * @param pipe True if a single entry queue can run at full throughput (like a pipeline). The ''ready'' signals are
  * combinationally coupled.
  * @param flow True if the inputs can be consumed on the same cycle (the inputs "flow" through the queue immediately).
  * The ''valid'' signals are coupled.
  * @example }
class Queue[T <: Data](gen: T,
                       val entries: Int,
                       pipe: Boolean = false,
                       flow: Boolean = false)
                      (implicit compileOptions: chisel3.CompileOptions)
    extends Module() {
  require(entries > -1, "Queue must have non-negative number of entries")
  require(entries != 0, "Use companion object Queue.apply for zero entries")
  val genType = if (compileOptions.declaredTypeMustBeUnbound) {
  } else {
    if (DataMirror.internal.isSynthesizable(gen)) {
    } else {

  val io = IO(new QueueIO(genType, entries))
        // register
  private val ram = Mem(entries, genType)
  private val enq_ptr = Counter(entries)
  private val deq_ptr = Counter(entries)
  private val maybe_full = RegInit(false.B) // maybe_full的作用是在首位指针相同的时候判断是空还是满
	  // wire
  private val ptr_match = enq_ptr.value === deq_ptr.value
  private val empty = ptr_match && !maybe_full
  private val full = ptr_match && maybe_full
  private val do_enq = WireDefault(
  private val do_deq = WireDefault(

  when (do_enq) {
    ram(enq_ptr.value) := io.enq.bits
  when (do_deq) {
  when (do_enq =/= do_deq) {
    maybe_full := do_enq

  io.deq.valid := !empty
  io.enq.ready := !full
  io.deq.bits := ram(deq_ptr.value)
	// 对于空的情况直接过去
  if (flow) {
    when (io.enq.valid) { io.deq.valid := true.B }
    when (empty) {
      io.deq.bits := io.enq.bits
      do_deq := false.B
      when (io.deq.ready) { do_enq := false.B }
	// 对于full的情况pipeline
  if (pipe) {
    when (io.deq.ready) { io.enq.ready := true.B }
	// 计算队列内的元素个数, 当entries是2的方幂的时候, 组合逻辑可以简洁一点
  private val ptr_diff = enq_ptr.value - deq_ptr.value
  if (isPow2(entries)) {
    io.count := Mux(maybe_full && ptr_match, entries.U, 0.U) | ptr_diff
  } else {
    io.count := Mux(ptr_match,
                      entries.asUInt, 0.U),
                    Mux(deq_ptr.value > enq_ptr.value,
                      entries.asUInt + ptr_diff, ptr_diff))

Generate Verilog & Firrtl

  • 分别用getVerilog(<Module Instance>)
