
I am a third-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at Peking University associated with the Center for Energy-Efficient Computing and Applications (CECA). I am a member of the PKU-IDEA Lab, advised by Prof. Yibo Lin. Previously, I received the B.S. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Peking University in 2021. My research interests include machine learning-assisted EDA, MLSys, and probabilistic modeling.

For more info, please visit my personal website.

但我仍有决心, 既然一无所有, 也就不害怕失去. 我会认真过好当下但每一个瞬间,前面有石头落下来, 我就闪身躲开; 有河流挡路,我就纵身跳过;倘若跳不过去,我就从水里游过去;若是河水流得太快只能随波逐流, 飘到哪里, 哪里便是我的人生. 我打算就这么活下去, 直到死的那一天.我的未来, 只有有一样属于我自己的东西就好,不一定是钞票,房子或土地那样丰厚的家底,即使是一身破破烂烂的西装,或就一块走不动的手表, 也都没有问题.我生下来的时候什么也没有,当我离开这个世界的时候, 只要有一样东西在身边, 我就算赢了. – 东野圭吾《祈念守护人》

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