Solutions to Tensor Puzzlers: A Deep Dive into Tensor Operations


This article presents my solutions to Sasha Rush’s Tensor Puzzles, a collection of challenging tensor manipulation problems. These solutions serve as an excellent reference for understanding fundamental tensor operations and their creative applications.

Foundation: Essential Operations

Before diving into the solutions, let’s understand two fundamental operations that form the backbone of many tensor manipulations:

def arange(i: int):
    """Generate a sequence of numbers from 0 to i-1.
    Used as a replacement for traditional for-loops."""
    return torch.tensor(range(i))

def where(q, a, b):
    """Conditional element selection.
    Acts as a vectorized if-statement: returns a when q is True, b otherwise."""
    return (q * a) + (~q) * b

These operations enable two primary paradigms in tensor manipulation:

  1. Masking: Using where to selectively modify tensor elements
  2. Matrix Operations: Combining arange and where for dimension manipulation and broadcasting

Basic Tensor Operations

1. Creating a Tensor of Ones

def ones(i: int) -> TT["i"]:
    """Generate a 1D tensor filled with ones."""
    return where(arange(i) >= 0, 1, 0)

This elegant solution leverages broadcasting to create a tensor of ones by comparing arange output with 0.

2. Computing Sum Along Axis

def sum(a: TT["i"]) -> TT[1]:
    """Compute the sum of all elements in a tensor."""
    return ones(a.shape[0]) @ a[:, None]

This implementation uses matrix multiplication with a vector of ones, demonstrating an alternative to traditional reduction operations.

3. Outer Product

def outer(a: TT["i"], b: TT["j"]) -> TT["i", "j"]:
    """Compute the outer product of two vectors."""
    return a[:, None] @ b[None, :]

The solution uses broadcasting through dimension expansion to create a 2D tensor representing the outer product.

Advanced Matrix Operations

4. Diagonal Matrix Operations

def diag(a: TT["i", "i"]) -> TT["i"]:
    """Extract the diagonal elements of a matrix."""
    return a[arange(a.shape[0]), arange(a.shape[0])]

5. Identity Matrix

def eye(j: int) -> TT["j", "j"]:
    """Create an identity matrix of size j×j."""
    return where(arange(j)[:, None] == arange(j)[None, :], 1, 0)

6. Upper Triangular Matrix

def triu(j: int) -> TT["j", "j"]:
    """Create an upper triangular matrix."""
    return where(arange(j)[:, None] <= arange(j)[None, :], 1, 0)

Sequence Operations

7. Cumulative Sum

def cumsum(a: TT["i"]) -> TT["i"]:
    """Compute cumulative sum of elements."""
    return (a[:, None] * (arange(a.shape[0])[:, None] <= arange(a.shape[0]))).sum(0)

8. Element-wise Difference

def diff(a: TT["i"], i: int) -> TT["i"]:
    """Compute differences between adjacent elements."""
    return where(arange(i) == 0, a, a - a[arange(i)-1])

Array Manipulation

9. Vertical Stack

def vstack(a: TT["i"], b: TT["i"]) -> TT[2, "i"]:
    """Stack two arrays vertically."""
    return where(arange(2)[:, None] != ones(a.shape[0]), a, b)

10. Array Rolling

def roll(a: TT["i"], i: int) -> TT["i"]:
    """Shift array elements cyclically."""
    return a[(arange(i)+1)%i]

11. Array Reversal

def flip(a: TT["i"], i: int) -> TT["i"]:
    """Reverse the order of array elements."""
    return a[i-1-arange(i)]

Advanced Operations

12. Array Filtering

def compress(g: TT["i", bool], v: TT["i"], i:int) -> TT["i"]:
    """Filter array elements based on boolean mask."""
    return v @ where(g[:,None], arange(i) == cumsum(1*g)[:,None]-1, 0)

13. Array Padding

def pad_to(a: TT["i"], i: int, j: int) -> TT["j"]:
    """Pad array to specified length."""
    return a @ where(arange(i)[:, None] == arange(j), 1, 0)

14. Sequence Masking

def sequence_mask(values: TT["i", "j"], length: TT["i", int]) -> TT["i", "j"]:
    """Create attention mask for sequence operations."""
    return where(length[:,None] > arange(values.shape[1]), values, 0)

15. Element Counting

def bincount(a: TT["i"], j: int) -> TT["j"]:
    """Count occurrences of each value in the input array."""
    # Two equivalent implementations:
    # return ones(a.shape[0]) @ where(arange(j) == a[:, None], 1, 0)
    # Using identity matrix for indexing
    return ones(a.shape[0]) @ eye(j)[a]

16. Scatter Addition

def scatter_add(values: TT["i"], link: TT["i"], j: int) -> TT["j"]:
    """Add values to specified positions in output array."""
    # Two equivalent implementations:
    # return values @ where(link[:, None] == arange(j), 1, 0)
    # Using identity matrix for index operations
    return values @ eye(j)[link]

17. Array Flattening

def flatten(a: TT["i", "j"], i:int, j:int) -> TT["i * j"]:
    """Flatten a 2D array into 1D."""
    return a[arange(i*j)//j, arange(i*j)%j]

18. Linear Space Generation

def linspace(i: TT[1], j: TT[1], n: int) -> TT["n", float]:
    """Generate evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval."""
    return (i + (j - i) * arange(n) / max(1, n - 1))

19. Heaviside Step Function

def heaviside(a: TT["i"], b: TT["i"]) -> TT["i"]:
    """Implement the Heaviside step function."""
    return where(a==0, b, where(a>0,1,0))

20. Array Repetition

def repeat(a: TT["i"], d: TT[1]) -> TT["d", "i"]:
    """Repeat array elements along a new axis."""
    return ones(d)[:, None] @ a[None, :]

21. Value Bucketing

def bucketize(v: TT["i"], boundaries: TT["j"]) -> TT["i"]:
    """Assign values to buckets based on boundaries."""
    return ones(boundaries.shape[0]) @ where(boundaries[:, None] <= v, 1, 0)

Key Insights and Patterns

  1. Index Operations: Many operations can be transformed into matrix operations using the identity matrix (eye).
  2. Broadcasting: Clever use of broadcasting can simplify complex operations.
  3. Masking: The where operation provides a powerful way to implement conditional logic.

Implementation Tips

  1. Use ones(j)[a] as an alternative to arange(j) == a[:, None]
  2. Leverage broadcasting to avoid explicit loops
  3. Consider matrix multiplication for sequence operations
  4. Transform index operations into matrix operations using the identity matrix


  1. Tensor Puzzlers Repository
  2. PyTorch Broadcasting Documentation
  3. NumPy Broadcasting Documentation

For complete implementation details, check out my solution gist.